Classroom Culture and the Construction of Learning Opportunities限時特價
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原書名:Classroom Culture and the Construction of Learning Opportunities: An Ethnographic Case Study of Two EFL Classrooms in a Higher Education Setting in China With the description of an empirical study of two language classrooms, the book ”Classroom Culture and the Construction of Learning Opportunities” sheds light on the possible answers to the above questions. In the book, two different kinds of classroom lives have been vividly presented alongside with the presentation of different types of learning opportunities offered by these classroomlives. Moreover, the book depicts the positive cultural traits that orient a language classroom towards a favourable learning environment from a ”learning opportunity” perspective. 作者簡介 李英春 Yingchun Li earned her PhD degree from the University of Exeter, U.K. in 2007. She is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Languages for Economics and Trade, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China. She is also one of the academic editors of The Asian ESP Journal. As a professional TESOLer and a TESOL researcher, she has published books and articles on language teaching research and given talks at many international conferences including TESOL and IATEFL annual conferences. |
定價:420元 優惠價:9折378元
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